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Special Programs Office


Laura Batson               281-229-6095

Coordinator of Special Programs Compliance


Laura S. Batson

Coordinator of Special Programs Compliance

Laura joined Dickinson ISD in 1997 as a special education teacher and color guard instructor with the Gator Band.   Her undergraduate degree is from West Texas A&M University and her Masters degree is in educational administration from University of Houston - Clear Lake

Laura has spent her entire career focused on helping students and their families reach their highest potential.  She has also been a behavior teacher, ARD committee facilitator and part of the leadership team in DISD for many years. 

Laura is married and has 1 step-son, 1 daughter-in law, 2 grandsons, 2 dogs along with cows and chickens.

Maggie Burk

 Coordinator of Evaluation & Related Services


Maggie joined Dickinson ISD in 2000 as a licensed specialist in school psychology. Her undergraduate degree is in psychology and her master's degree is in specialist in school psychology, both degrees are from University of Houston-Clear Lake.


Maggie's entire career has been devoted to school psychology. She volunteers for the American Red Cross in the area of Disaster Mental Health. Maggie is a trainer for AS+K to Save a Life and Youth Mental Health First Aid.


Maggie is married with 1 son, 3 daughters, 3 grandchildren and 3 rescue dogs

Administrative Assistants Support Team

Kathy Linkey

Assessment Clerk



Primary Responsibilities:

  • Schedules Child Find 
  • Assessment log
  • Records Requests
  • Department Attendance
  • Materials & File management

    Trisha Taylor




    Primary responsibilities:

    • Administrative support for director & department
    • Budget support (including travel & purchasing)
    • Manages the department's contracted services process

    Patricia Perkins

    PEIMS Secretary



    Primary Responsibilities:

    • PEIMS data entry for department
    • Department receptionist & electronic communication
    • Department Inventory
    • Medicaid | RMTS

    While we wish that there would never be a concern or problem, we do understand that there may come a time when a parent has a concern, problem, or complaint about their child's special education or dyslexia instruction, and we are here as a team to help.


    As a department, we support the District's Problem Solving Process with the goal of starting to address the concerns at the point closest to the problem/concern and we are ready to assist as needed. (Steps 3 and 4 below). 


    Campus level

    • Step 1:  If the concern involves a teacher or classroom instructional concern, please schedule a conference with the teacher. We have found that most concerns can be solved at this level.  In the event you are not satisfied with the resolution, please proceed.
    • Step 2:  Contact the campus administrator and request a conference (telephone, Zoom or in person, as appropriate).

    Department / District level

    • Step 3.   If the concern / problem is not resolved at the campus level, and it involves special programs or dyslexia instruction, please contact Coordinators.
    • Step 4. If there are still concerns, please proceed to contacting the Deputy superintendent, Dr. Jeff Pack.


    There are several additional resources for parents of students receiving Special Education services, and they are listed below:


    Texas Education Agency, Office of Special Programs and Monitoring (OSPM) has all information related to special education complaints available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic.   Information in each of these languages can be found at or linked from the following URL: Special Education Dispute Resolution Processes | Texas Education Agency.



    OSPM has launched an online, special education complaints form available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic.  The online form allows the user to file a special education complaint with TEA just as if the user were utilizing a hard copy of the model special education complaint form.  Upon submitting the online form, it is automatically emailed to the public agency against which the complaint is filed and to TEA at the same time.  The user receives a confirmation copy of the complaint by email.  The online form in all five languages can be found on or linked from the following URL: Special Education Complaints Process | Texas Education Agency


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    Department Motto:

    "Whatever the student needs IS our job description!"

    Department Philosophy:

    "We may all be different kinds of fish, but in this school, we swim together."

    Assessment Team:

    The DISD assessment team includes School Psychologists and Educational Diagnosticians.  This team is responsible (with other teams) for conducting full, individual evaluations to determine special education eligibility determinations. They administer individualized achievement, intellectual and psychological tests.

    Click HERE to go the Evaluation Home Page.

    The Coordinator in charge of the Assessment team is Maggie Burk and she can be reached at 281-229-6094.


    To request records:


    Esther Smith or Kathy Linkey

    We have open positions!

    To apply, click here!

    Behavior Team:
    The Behavior Team provides students with behavioral challenges opportunities and experiences designed to teach behaviors that promote social and personal growth within the school setting. The team also consults with teachers to provide strategies to aid with behavior management to maximize students’ access to the general education setting.


    The Coordinator in charge of the Behavior team is Maggie Burk and she can be reached at 281-229-6094.

    Special Programs Campus Compliance Team:

    Each campus has a dedicated Special Programs Campus Compliance Facilitator who guides the ARD process for the campus. The Special Programs Compliance Process is overseen by Coordinator Laura Batson.

    Homebound Instruction

    DISD offers general and special education homebound instructional services to students who meet the TEA criteria. 

    Karen Hollen is the  DISD Homebound Teacher and she can be reached at 281-229-7923

    Updated medical information is needed prior to the beginning of each year. 

    Once the student is determined eligible for homebound instruction by the district's social worker and 504 or ARD committee, Ms. Hollen contacts the student's teachers to begin the process.

    OT / PT (Related Services) Team:


    The Dickinson ISD Occupational and Physical Therapy team supports IEP learning needs for students in several areas, including:

    • Academic achievement,
    • Self-care,
    • Mobility
    • Assistive Technology,
    • Social participation

    OTs and PTs operate in all school routines, including recess, classroom, and cafeteria time.

    The team leader for the OT/PT group is Tanya Jensen.  

    Speech Therapy Team:

    The Speech Therapy team provides speech therapy in accordance with the best practices model advocated by ASHA and TSHA.   Each student who receives speech therapy has been evaluated by a speech pathologist and determined to have an educational need for speech therapy services.  The ARD committee determines the student's goals and therapy schedule.


    The Speech Therapy Team Leader is Tonia Marion-Wilson and she can be reached at 281-229-7079.

    We have an open SLP-CCC position!

    Special Education and Section 504 records can be requested by sending an email to the Special Programs email address, which is checked daily and routed to the appropriate campus.


    Dickinson ISD uses the Frontline management system for all special education, 504 and LPAC paperwork and can transfer documents electronically to districts who use the same program.

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