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The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was created by the Texas Legislature as part of House Bill 3 to help recruit, retain, and reward effective educators in the classroom at high needs campuses. The TIA would provide additional funding to eligible teachers who earn local designations through this allotment system. Dickinson ISD has submitted an application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to participate in this process.



More Information

Key Points


3 new designations (Master, Exemplary, Recognized) based on teacher effectiveness, added to teacher’s SBEC certificate

School districts will receive $3-32K annually per designated teacher


Greater funding for designated teachers on high-needs traditional campuses

90% of funding must be spent on teacher compensation on the campus where the designated teacher works

TIA Spending Plan


5-year designation validity, regardless of teacher placement, subject or school


Informational Presentations

Helpful Links

Application Scoring Rubric
Texas TIA Website

TIA Stakeholder Group
TIA Steering Committee
National Board Certification Program

TIA District Job Fair Information
District Job Fair Registration Website Information




Frequently Asked Questions

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First & Last Name

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