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Dickinson ISD Required Postings
  • Title IX Compliance Policy Statement

    In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Dickinson ISD does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs and activities which it operates, including employment, admissions, recruitment, referrals, and collective bargaining.  If an employee or student believes that he or she has been discriminated against in violation of Title IX, please reference the District’s Title IX Grievance Procedures which are available on the District’s website, in every school site administrative office, and on request from the District’s Public Relations Office.

    August 14 , 2020 : Dickinson ISD's Title IX Personnel have attended training furnished by Karczewski | Bradshaw | Spalding in compliance with 34 C.F.R. § 105.45(b)(10)(i)(D). Materials from this training are available here

    Title IX Formal Complaint Form

    Title IX Grievance Procedures

    Title IX Coordinator :

    Robert Cobb, Assistant Superintendent for Administration. 281-229-6000. 


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    • Exhibit C—Website Notice Regarding the Refusal of Entry to or Ejection of an Individual from District Property

      The District has the right to refuse entry to or eject a person from property under the District’s control if the person refuses to leave peaceably upon request and:

      1. The individual poses a substantial risk of harm to any person, or
      2. The individual continues to behave in a manner inappropriate for the school setting after having received a verbal or written warning to cease the inappropriate behavior.

      A person ejected from or refused entry to property under this provision may appeal this action by filing an appeal under FNG(LOCAL) or GF(LOCAL) and will be permitted to address the Board in person within 90 days of filing the initial complaint, unless the complaint is resolved before reaching the Board. [See the links listed below.]

      Note to developer:Insert links to the District’s FNG(LOCAL)–Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances and GF(LOCAL)–Public Complaints.

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