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Purchasing Department
Alyse Howell
Coordinator of Purchasing


Phone: 281.229.6010          


Dickinson Independent School District, as well as all other school districts in the State of Texas, is governed by the state competitive bid laws.  Dickinson ISD takes advantage of joining state approved Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Programs (COOPS) through the use of board approved interlocal agreement contracts.  State approved COOPS have already performed the bidding process and vendors approved for the various COOP bids qualify to sell commodities, supplies, and services to public school districts.  Dickinson ISD does issue RFP/Bids for some supplies, equipment, and services.


  • Bids and/or Requests for Proposals are issued each year for the following:


    Department  Items
    Fuel and Bus Supplies
    Operations and Facilities
    Supplies and Services
    Music and Fine Arts
    Musical Instruments
    General Construction Bids and Property/Casualty Insurance

    Current Bid/Proposals:

    Bid Type Bid Number Bid Description Date Issued Date Due
    Request for Proposal 24-10-1174 Contracted Services 10/18/2024 12/4/2024 at 10:00AM
    Request for Proposal 24-10-1175 Solid Waste Disposal 10/18/2024 12/4/2024 at 10:00AM
    Request for Proposal 24-10-1176 Crane Service, Equipment Rental and Repair 10/18/2024 12/4/2024 at 10:00AM
    Request for Proposal 24-10-1177 Refrigerated Truck for FNS 10/18/2024 12/4/2024 at 10:00AM

    Bid Advertisements

    Notice of the time, date and place where bids will be opened are published in a newspaper in accordance with state bid law requirements.  Dickinson ISD has chosen the Galveston Daily News as their primary newspaper publication.  Any company or individual who sees our bid advertisements in the newspaper and is interested in reviewing the bid specs and other information about the Proposal may contact the Director of Purchasing.

    Bid Openings

    All bids are opened promptly on the date and at the time stated in the bid specs.  All interested vendors are invited to attend, however attendance is not required.  All bid openings are public and bids are read aloud. A tabulation of all bids will be available within 10 days. Once bids are opened, no changes can be made.  If a vendor realizes a mistake has been made, they are afforded two options: 

    1. Honor their bid as written; or
    2. Withdraw their bid on the item(s) in question or the entire bid.

    Bid Evaluation

    It is the intent of the school district and Dickinson ISD Purchasing Department to obtain the best quality materials at the lowest prices possible.  Per Section 44.039 (g) of the Education Code, "In determining best value for the District, the District is not restricted to considering price alone, but may consider any other factor stated in the selection criteria."

    Bid Award Notification

    Dickinson ISD Business Services will issue all official bid award notifications.  Award notifications from any other department or staff member of the district may be incorrect information.

    Invoices & Payment Terms

    By law the school district has 30 days after receipt of an invoice to present payment.  It is the intent of the school district to pay all invoices as promptly as possible; however, by acceptance of a Dickinson ISD purchase order you have agreed to the 30 day payment policy.  All invoices are submitted to the Dickinson ISD Accounts Payable Department.  Invoices may be sent to

    Bid Type

    Bid Number Bid Description Date Issued Date Due
    Request for Proposal 21-12-1148 Ceiling Tile and Related Hardware Sales & Service 12/3/2021 1/5/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-01-1149 Purchase of Tires and Tire Repair Supplies and Equipment 1/7/2022 2/2/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-02-1150 Ceiling Tile and Related Hardware Sales & Service 2/11/2022 3/2/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-06-1151 AV Supplies, Equipment and Service 6/10/2022 7/13/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-06-1152 Campus Fundraising and Special Events.pdf 6/10/2022 7/13/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-10-1153 Imaging Supplies, Equipment and Service 10/7/2022 11/2/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-10-1154 Contracted Services 10/7/2022 11/2/2022 at 10:00 am
    Request for Proposal 22-10-1155 School Bus and Fleet Vehicle Parts, Supplies, and Service 10/7/2022 11/2/2022 at 10:00 am
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  • Insurance Requirements

    All construction and repair contractors/vendors who perform contracted services for Dickinson ISD are required to supply proof of insurance in accordance with the following schedule prior to the start of the project.  DISD requires that contractor's insurance be placed only with companies that have achieved at least an "A" rating with A. M. Best.  The District reserves the right to require higher limits of coverage depending on the size, scope, and nature of a contract.  Dickinson ISD must be named as an additional insured.

    Bonding and Insurance Requirements for Contracted Services

    All vendors submitting proposals for contracted service work shall comply with the following requirements.  Vendors submitting proposals which do not comply with these requirements shall not be considered.

    Bonding Requirements if Construction is Involved

    Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a state bank in the amount not less than five per cent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Dickinson ISD or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company licensed to do business in the State of Texas  as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute a payment and performance bond on any or all projects $50,000 or above within fifteen (15) days after notice of award of the contract to him.

    Types of Coverage Limits of Liability
    Workers' Compensation Statutory
    Employer's Liability $500,000 Each Accident
    $500,000 Disease Policy Limit
    $500,000 Disease Each Employee
    Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Policy Aggregate
    $500,000 Combined Single Limit Each Occurrence
    (Property damage deductible not to exceed $500 per occurrence)
    Business Auto Liability $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Each Occurrence
    (Hired/non owned coverage must also be provided)

    The immunity of the owner shall not be a defense from the insurance carrier.  The selected vendor will be required to supply an insurance certificate naming Dickinson ISD as an additional insured prior to the start of the project. All successful bidders will be required to submit a Certificate of Insurance after award.

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  • Dickinson Independent School District is state tax exempt on the basis that it is a governmental entity -- school district.  Dickinson ISD's Business Services department issues Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification forms upon request.  The vendor must be on Dickinson ISD's approved list. 

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  • Dickinson Independent School District requests that all vendors complete the Vendor Application Packet if interested in providing goods and/or services to the District.  Submission of a packet does not guarantee that the vendor will be placed on the District's approved vendor list.  A vendor packet only provides us information to email you when a new solicitation is available. 


    All completed Vendor Application Packets shall be returned to the Purchasing Department at


    The District encourages vendors to check the District Bids or Requests for Proposals section of the purchasing website periodically for new proposals.

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Location and office hours


Dickinson Independent School District Purchasing Department is located at 2218 FM 517, Dickinson, TX 77539.  The fax number is 281.229.6011.  Please do not send any unsolicited facsimiles. 

Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Summer hours are 7:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday - Thursday and closed on Friday.  During the school year, the office is closed on designated school holidays.

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