At Dickinson ISD, we believe that theatre teaches skills
that last a lifetime. Play production involves more than just
memorizing lines and performing on stage. Theatre creates
a welcoming environment for all students to feel safe and
free to express their art in an accepting environment.
While working on stage and backstage, students grow in
self-confidence, self-awareness, initiative, responsibility,
sacrifice, dedication, leadership, creative thinking, problem
solving, goal setting, time management, group dynamics,
and group decision making. The theatre faculty works to
prepare students for all fields of study through the skills of
the theatre.
We also learn applications of practical skill -- carpentry, use
of power tools, design applications, painting techniques,
interior decoration, interview skills, public speaking, public
relations, costuming, makeup, accounting, visual effects,
and sound and video techniques.
Thank you for appreciating our creative efforts; and thank
you for supporting the arts in Dickinson ISD.