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Access to the General Curriculum

Accommodations, Modifications, Supplementary Aids and Services

Adapted Equipment

Adaptive Physical Education

ARD IEP Committee

ARD meeting notice (5 days notice)

Assessment for ADHD

Assessment for Autism

Assessment of DB Deaf Blind


Assessment for Emotional Disturbance

Assessment of Intellectual Disabilities

Assessment of Multiple Disabilities

Assessment of Noncategorical Early Childhood

Assessment for Other Health Impairment

Assessment for Traumatic Brain Injury

Assessment of Speech and Language

Assessment of Visual Impairment

Assistive Technology


Case Manager Duties

Child Find/ Identification

Commensurate School Day

Community Based Instruction

Counseling and Psychological Services

COVID 19 Instruction & Compliance


Disability Categories


Discontinuing Special Education Services 

Documentation for Special Education

Dyslexia Instruction within Special Education

Early Childhood

ECSE (formerly PPCD)

Electronic Red Folder  

Eligibility Determination and Documentation

Evaluation Procedures Overview

Extended School Year Services

Facilitated ARD Request / Process



Full and Individual Initial Evaluation

Functional Behavior Assessment

Gator Stations[Internal]

Glossary of Terms


Health & Medical Services

Homebound Services

Homeless - McKinney Vento Act

IEP Access and Implementation

IEP Development

IEP Goals and Objectives - Individualized Education Plan

Inclusion Support / Mainstream

Independent Education Evaluation [IEE]

In-Home and Community-Based Training

Least Restrictive Environment [LRE]

Legal Framework 



Modification/Accommodation/Specially Designed Instruction

Occupational Therapy

Off Site Facilities 

Orientation and Mobility Services

Parent Concern/Complaint Process

Parent Participation

Parent request for a special education evaluation

Parent Requests for ARD or Collaboration meeting

Parent Travel

PEIMS- Public Education Management System

Physical Therapy

PLAAFPS - Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance

Prior Written Notice

Private, Religious, and Home Schools

Procedural Safeguards

Progress Monitoring

Progress Reporting

Provision of Services for Students Placed by their Parents in Private Schools or Facilities

Purchasing Guidlines

Reading Instruction


Referral Process and Initial Evaluations

Request for Special Education Records


Results Driven Accountability (RDA)

SHARS procedures [Internal]

Social Work Services

Special Olympics

Special Transportation as a Related Service

Specially Designed Instruction Overview of Least Restrictive Environment

Speech-Language Services

SPP Indicator 7: Early Childhood Outcomes

SPP Indicator 11: Child Find

SPP Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transitions

SPP Indicator 13: Postsecondary Goals/Transition

Spread the Word (R-ban Pledge)

Staff Travel [Internal]

State Assessment

Student Records

Surrogate Parents


Transfer Students

Transition Policies and Procedures

Translation & Interpretation


Visual Impairment


10 Critical Components


                 A to Z           Special Education Operating Guidelines

We built this page during 2019-2020 school year, and the Dickinson ISD Special Programs Leadership team continuously updates it to stay current with relevant federal and state guidelines. This page contains the published DISD Special Education Operating Guidelines.

It is organized alphabetically by topic. Each PAGE begins with the Framework which will include relevant federal and state law.

P - Procedures - how we do it

A - Accountability - who is responsible

G - Guidance - guidance / reference documents

E - Expectations - timelines, clarity (keep it simple)

This information will be reviewed, amended and updated annually to reflect changes in local, state, federal policies, board policies and administrative practices and procedures regarding students with disabilities. The special education team is available for further clarification and assistance.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) is the federal law that governs the special education process. One of the main purposes of IDEA is to ensure that children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. Related services are special services needed to support students’ special education services so they can make progress to meet their academic and functional goals. Related services can include services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language therapy, counseling services, orientation and mobility services, and/or transportation services.  (Source: Parent’s Guide to the Admission, Review and Dismissal Process, July 2018)

Department Leadership

Laurie G. Rodriguez Executive Director of Special


Maggie Burk Coordinator of Evaluation and

Related Services

Laura Batson Coordinator of Special Programs


Mission Statement

The DISD Special Education Department exists to provide leadership and service to equip campuses with the knowledge and services to meet the district mission to have safe and successful learning opportunities that help them reach their full potential and add quality throughout their lives.  



The department believes in the power and importance of collaboration with campus staff, parents and students, advocates and other service organizations in order to provide a loving and structured educational environment based on federal, state and local guidelines for all our students who have special needs.



To be recognized as a Special Education department that is constantly focused on a growth mindset, we believe that change is inevitable and progress is a choice. We believe that we provide a quality education for all the  students who receive special education services in order for them to have access to the general education curriculum from a continuum of service delivery models.


Department Motto

Whatever the student needs is our job description!


Department Philosophy

We may all be different kinds of fish, but in this school, we swim together.

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