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Dickinson ISD promotes the belief that behavior skills can be taught.  When a student does not know how to read, we provide reading interventions.  When a student does not demonstrate pro-social classroom behavior skills, our goal is to provide direct instruction of social skills.  All behavior is communication.  The district expectation is that all staff operate within a Restorative Practices Framework with the goal of developing relationships with students that foster positive classroom and community behaviors.


The Behavior Team provides students with behavioral challenges opportunities and experiences designed to teach behaviors that promote social and personal growth within the school setting. The team also consults with teachers to provide strategies to aid with behavior management to maximize students’ access to the general education setting. This team is comprised of an LSSP, Campus Level Behavior Coaches, and 6 ABCD teachers.


The Behavior Teaching Continuum (BTC) is a specialized program offered to students from Pre-K to 12th grade who require targeted support in managing their behaviors. The BTC services are delivered by the Behavior Team, a group of professionals trained in addressing behavior-related needs effectively.

  • The main focus of BTC is to teach students pro-social / pro-school behaviors by providing them with strategies and interventions to improve their behavior and social skills.
  • The Behavior Team employs a variety of approaches to assist the students, including coaching, social skills training, and pull-out support.
  • Coaching involves working directly with students within their regular classrooms, offering guidance and encouragement to implement positive behavioral changes.
  • Social skills training aims to enhance the students' ability to engage in positive interactions, handle conflicts, and develop appropriate social behaviors. Direct instruction of social skills can happen both "in the moment" and in specific social skills groups (organized either by topic or by student group).
  • Pull-out support refers to withdrawing the student from the regular classroom environment for specific, targeted interventions and skill-building exercises.
  • The level of support (LOS) provided by BTC is determined by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee, which takes into account relevant data and assessments.
  • LOS is based on the individual student's needs and the extent of support required to address their behavioral challenges effectively.
  • Data collection focuses on behavioral aspects, particularly prosocial skills, which encompass behaviors that are cooperative, respectful, and socially appropriate.
  • BTC was previously known by different names, including BLP (Behavior Learning Program) and ABCD. The program has evolved to better align with effective behavior intervention practices.
  • Click the pdf below to see a visual representation of the behavior teaching continuum.

Social Skills Instruction

Social Skills Instruction encourages students to develop and practice the competencies involved in learning social rules and expectations with the goal of being autonomous in demonstrating those skills. Students who are in BLP-3 receive weekly social skills instruction.

The core social skills for successful social interactions include:

  • Social Initiation
  • Social Reciprocity
  • Perspective Taking
  • Self-Awareness
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Understanding / Managing Emotions

Social Skills Instruction can be based on individual or group instruction, as well as a combination of both.

Behavior Monitoring

The Behavior Team regularly monitors student progress toward behavior goals. Behavior monitoring is important for the purpose of reviewing data to help the team implement strategies that benefit students in mastering their goals. Students who are in BLP-3 will have behavior monitoring logs completed by the behavior coach.

Data collection includes observation, consulting with teachers, direct lessons and interactions with students, as well as documentation to track progress.

Behavior Monitoring is how student progress is identified through the implementation of interventions that help teach replacement behaviors with the goal of students successfully developing pro-social behaviors.

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