General Education Homebound Services
3.7 General Education Homebound (GEH) Program
Any student who is served through the GEH program must meet the following three criteria:
- The student is expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of
four weeks. The weeks need not be consecutive.
- The student is confined at home or hospital bedside for medical reasons only.
- The student’s medical condition is documented by a physician licensed101 to practice in the
United States.
A student served through the GEH program at home or hospital bedside must be served by a certified
general education teacher. Over the period of his or her confinement, the student must be provided
instruction in all core academic subject area courses in which the student is enrolled. In addition, over
the period of confinement, the student should be provided instruction in all other courses the student is
enrolled in, if possible.
Note: For guidance in determining GEH instruction for pregnant students who are receiving PRS, see
Section 9 Pregnancy-Related Services (PRS).