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Homebound instruction is provided, typically in the student's home environment, by a certified teacher. 

  • Instruction is provided in core classes (reading, language arts, math, science and social studies) that the student is enrolled in.
  • For students receiving special education services, the ARD/IEP committee determines the instructional services.
  • Curriculum for pre-AP, AP, other advanced classes and some electives are very difficult to implement through the homebound setting. In some cases, the student’s homebound committee may recommend a change in the schedule to better fit the needs of the student during homebound instruction. 
  • Dual credit courses will not be covered in homebound instruction.

General Education Homebound Services

3.7 General Education Homebound (GEH) Program

Any student who is served through the GEH program must meet the following three criteria:

  1. The student is expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of four weeks. The weeks need not be consecutive.
  2. The student is confined at home or hospital bedside for medical reasons only.
  3. The student’s medical condition is documented by a physician licensed101 to practice in the United States.

A student served through the GEH program at home or hospital bedside must be served by a certified general education teacher. Over the period of his or her confinement, the student must be provided instruction in all core academic subject area courses in which the student is enrolled. In addition, over the period of confinement, the student should be provided instruction in all other courses the student is enrolled in, if possible. 

Note: For guidance in determining GEH instruction for pregnant students who are receiving PRS, see Section 9 Pregnancy-Related Services (PRS).  


Special Education Homebound Services

4.7.2 Code 01 - Homebound

To be placed in the special education homebound instructional setting, a student aged six years or older must meet the following four criteria:

  1. The student is eligible for special education and related services as determined by an ARD committee.
  2. The student is expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of four weeks. The weeks need not be consecutive if the student is chronically ill and the local district policy allows for such.
  3. The student is confined at home or hospital bedside for medical or psychological reasons only.
  4. The student must have a medical or psychological condition that is documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States. 
  • Infants and toddlers from birth through age two may be placed in the homebound instructional setting if their IFSP committees determine that placement is appropriate.
  • A student’s IFSP or ARD committee determines the amount of services to be provided to the student in this instructional setting.
  • A student aged six or older who meets the four criteria above does not need to meet the criteria in the federal definition for other health impairment (OHI) to be eligible for homebound services.
  • Neither does a student under the age of six for whom an ARD or IFSP committee has determined that the homebound instructional setting is appropriate. 
Source: TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook

All students referred for homebound instruction must be residents of the Dickinson Independent School District (DISD) and enrolled in their school of attendance. Students will remain enrolled on the campus of attendance and continue to receive instructional assignments and grades from the home campus.  At the beginning of each school year, the district social worker or homebound teacher will contact parents to obtain new consents to speak with your child's doctors in order to gather info for the 504 or ARD committee in order to make a placement decision.  DISD follows the guidelines as noted in the most recent Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, which is located on the TEA Website.


If you believe your child needs homebound services, contact one of the following:

  1. Your child's teacher
  2. Campus administrator
  3. Campus ARD Committee Facilitator
  4. Campus Counselor
  5. District Social Worker



  • If the student is confined to a hospital outside of the Dickinson Independent School District’s boundaries, the parent should contact the hospital to inquire what educational services are available.
  • The student’s General Education Homebound (GEH) committee, Section 504 committee and/or ARD/IEP determines appropriate services.
  • The student may be served in the student’s home. The instructional and service schedule is created by the Homebound teacher.
  • Homebound services do not “roll over” to the following school year.  A new determination is made each based on the student's medical condition and guidelines issued by TEA.
  • Every new school year, determination of Homebound services will start over.
  • The District Social Worker and Homebound Teacher will need new documentation (consent for release of information as well as updated health information) from the student’s parent and doctor.

Karen Hollen

DISD Homebound Teacher


Jamie Rubach Harbuck

Social Worker


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