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Maggie Burk, L.S.S.P, School Psychologist

Coordinator of Evaluation & Related Services

Philosophy:   In accordance with federal and state guidelines, DISD provides a full range of academic, behavioral, emotional and related evaluation services. Evaluations are conducted by qualified staff using the most current, appropriate norm and criterion referenced assessment instruments.  DISD assessment staff assist campus with referrals. DISD assessment staff can evaluate for dyslexia, 504 evaluations, and conduct full individual evaluations (FIE) for special education eligibility determination.  

Child Find / Referral Information:

  • We have a monthly child find  intake process that is conducted by the DISD Child Find Assessment Team (Contact Kathy Linkey to scheduled your child.)
  • If your child is ages 3-6 and not currently enrolled in public school, CLICK HERE to complete the child find form.
  • If your child is already enrolled in one of our DISD schools, CLICK HERE to complete the parent inquiry form.
  • Private School Referral process - contact Maggie Burk for additional information. 
Goals:   To provide a comprehensive, timely, and relevant written report of an evaluation that addresses the referral question as well as subsequent evaluation issue discovered during the evaluation and that will assist the parents and instructional team in planning for the student’s educational needs. To maintain a high level of professional development in all required continuing education categories.
The DISD Assessment team consists of Educational Diagnosticians, Licensed Specialists in School Psychology, and Licensed Professional Counselors.  The team coordinates all evaluations for students suspected of having a disability or in need of a reevaluation for special education services, other than students who are only suspected of having a speech impairment.

Educational Diagnositicians:

  1. Mary Gonzales Assessment Specialist - 281-229-6923
  2. Dr. Heather Harydzak 281-229-6029
  3. Ann Mai 281-229-6025
  4. Daisy Murray 281-229-6585
  5. Kelly Schultz 281-229-6090
  6. Amber Wallace 281-229-6097 
  7. Yadira Villareal 281-229-6038
  8. Shannon Warhol 281-229-6098

  Licensed Professional Counselors

  1. Lindsay Shelton 281-229-6137
  2. Kendall Grimm 281-229-6144

Bilingual Assessment Staff Support Clerk:


School Psychologists:

  1. Detra Colbert 281-229-6143
  2. Stacy Davila 281-229-6036
  3. Elis Gaytan 281-229-6091
  4. Madalyn Meier 281-229-7920
  5. Dustin Pereira 281-229-6242
  6. Vanessa Renteria 281-229-7924
  7. Alexandria Shields- 281-229-7922
  8. Intern: Lanalisa Sinclair



  1.  All initial referrals to the assessment team for children ages 3-6 who are not enrolled in a public school go through the Special Programs office. 
    • If your child is ages 3-6 and not currently enrolled in public school, CLICK HERE to complete the child find form or
    • Contact Kathy Linkey (281-229-6087) to schedule your child's intake session.
  2. All special education referrals of students already enrolled must go through the campus referral team in order to begin the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) process.  
    • If your child is already enrolled in one of our DISD schools, CLICK HERE to complete the parent inquiry form.
    • Texas State Regulations (19 TAC §89.1011) state:
      1. Referral of students for a full individual and initial evaluation for possible special education services must be a part of the district's overall, general education referral or screening system. Prior to referral, students experiencing difficulty in the general classroom should be considered for all support services available to all students, such as tutorial; remedial; compensatory; response to evidence-based intervention; and other academic or behavior support services. If the student continues to experience difficulty in the general classroom after the provision of interventions, district personnel must refer the student for a full individual and initial evaluation. This referral for a full individual and initial evaluation may be initiated by school personnel, the student's parents or legal guardian, or another person involved in the education or care of the student.
  3. The campus referral team gathers data about the student and then determines the referral question and forwards it to the assessment department. 
  4. An assessment team leader (ATL) is assigned – this can be either an Educational Diagnostician, School Psychologist or Speech Language Pathologist.  All FIEs are conducted by a multi-disciplinary team (to include general and special education teachers and other relevant related service providers, such as an OT, or nurse).
  5. An assessment team member will contact the parent to obtain informed consent to begin testing.
  6. Observations and testing sessions will then be conducted.
  7. The MDT will write the evaluation, determine evidence of disability condition, and schedule a meeting with the parent to review the evaluation report )FIE).
  8. An ARD will be scheduled to review the FIE before the ARD committee and a determination for eligibility/services will be made by the ARD committee.
DISD assessment staff maintain the highest standards in ongoing professional development requirements.  Staff regularly attend professional development focused on evaluation techniques, interpretation methodology, report writing and implementation strategy. During the past few years, DISD has collaborated with Santa Fe ISD, Friendswood ISD, and Alvin ISD to bring in the following state and national experts:
  • Paula Roalson (topic: Legal update)
  • Dr. Penny Koepsel (topics: Conners’ 3, Comprehensive Behavioral Evaluation Scale, and ARES)
  • Region IV: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Orthographic Processing, Autism, various assessment instruments, behavior interventions, writing FIEs, Threat Assessment Training, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Trauma and Mindfulness training, Counseling as a related service, Dyslexia in the FIE, Impact and Needs Statements in the FIE
  • Region 6: ELL Evaluations for Monolingual Examiners, Social Emotional Evaluations, XBASS training with Dr. Flanagan, Identification of Dyslexia among Multilingual Learners, LSSP Series various topics, Cultural Considerations in the Practice of School Psychology, Bilingual Evaluations
  • Dr. Gail Cheramie, Director of the School Psychology Program (retired), UHCL (topics:  LD,  ID, Cross Battery 3, Autism Evaluations)
  • Texas Association of School Psychologists: Assessment of ELL, Autism Evaluations, Meeting the Needs of the LGBTQ+ Students, MDRs, Evaluating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners, School-Based Counseling, Social Justice in Schools, Supervision in School Psychology
  • HOU-MET: Various topics
  • Dr. Ortiz: Equitable Assessment in SLD Identification with English Learners
  • Dr. Dan Miller (topic: NEPSY 2)
  • Donna Black (topics: Ethics and Cultural Diversity)
  • Dr. Crystal Collier: Neurodevelopmental Effects of Risky Behavior
  • Dr. Julia Strait: Assessment of Autism in Girls
  • UTMB: Youth Poverty Simulation and ACE’s training
  • Dr. Adam Saenz: EQ Intervention
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