If you would like to complete your observation hours with Dickinson ISD, please read and follow these instructions carefully. Observation hours will be scheduled between the following dates and in certification areas approved by Human Resources.
Observations may be requested between September 15 and April 15 of each year.
- Contact the campus directly to schedule observations.
- Use the campus-based Raptor System to sign in at the front office.
- Students are required to follow DISD dress code policy.
Student Standard of Dress
A professional standard of dress requires university/college students to be readily distinguishable from DISD students. Role modeling is a part of the student’s professional responsibilities. Supervisors will exercise discretion in asking students deemed to be dressed inappropriately, to depart from the campus.
Male students are allowed to wear well-trimmed mustaches and beards.
Campus, school - related club/organization T-shirts and jeans may be worn on designated days as approved by the campus principal.
Visible tattoos and body piercing other than ears must be covered. Inappropriate dress includes but is not limited to the following:
- Shorts
- Low-cut, short, or revealing attire
- Wind suits, warm-ups, sweat suits (exception: observing a PE classroom)
- Stretch pants or stirrup pants
- Flip-flops or sandals without leather soles and heels
- Sun dresses without a jacket
- Spaghetti strap garments
- Overalls
Download the Student Standard of Dress