A memorial giving donation made to honor a loved one is a special way to capture the legacy of a distinguished community member.
Through memorial giving, a person’s memory can stay with us in perpetuity and continue to influence the personal, academic, and professional journeys of future generations of students and teachers within DISD. Your gift recognizes the importance of remembering those who positively impacted our lives and offers you a thoughtful way to celebrate a special person while contributing to our mission of ensuring that all students have successful learning opportunities that help them reach their full potential and add quality throughout their lives.
Memorial gifts are often used to establish either a student scholarship or a teaching grant named in memory of a loved one.
Surviving family members will be contacted when a gift is made in memory of someone. If you do not wish to let the family know of your gift, please note your gift as anonymous. Families will be notified of the account balance in their loved one’s memorial giving fund and be provided a list of donor names unless otherwise noted as anonymous.
If a memorial giving fund does not already exist and gifts collected exceed $500, DEF staff will reach out to the family to establish a fund and capture a specific use for the aggregate gifts, either a scholarship or grant.
View our active memorial campaigns below