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The Book Bus

The Dickinson ISD Book Bus is a joint project between the Dickinson ISD Education Foundation and Dickinson Independent School District. First imagined in 2018, The Book Bus is a project that has come to fruition after many years of planning. Dickinson ISD graciously provided the retired bus for the project and in early 2020, The Dickinson ISD Education Foundation secured funding for the remodel of the bus. 


Our Goal

The goal of the book bus is to reach students who may be at risk of regression, as well as enrich the district’s reading programs and activities. Dickinson ISD and the Foundation service students in five surrounding cities. Many students, particularly economically disadvantaged students, do not have public transportation or access to a public library. The Book Bus is a mobile library that offers the solution of bringing the library to students where they are. The Book Bus will operate in the same capacity as a school library. However, it will serve all students in our community, Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade, regardless of where they are enrolled in school.


What's Inside

The Book Bus will be stocked with a variety of titles that will appeal to children with various interests at all reading levels. DISD’s librarians hand selected books for all reading levels that will successfully engage our students. Learning resources, activities, and electronics will be available on the bus, as well as games. Inside, the bus features a refrigerator for cold water, electric wiring for a television and W-Fi access, multiple seating areas and tables, and over 1,000 books to read. Through a federally funded summer eating program, DISD’S Food and Nutrition Services will have the ability to serve lunch to students visiting the Book Bus.


Book Bus Visits

The Book Bus will visit campuses, public libraries, neighborhoods, events, and more! Full schedule coming soon!



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