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Coaching staff

Head Coach: Daniel Edinburgh


Asst. Coach: Enrique Canales

JV Coach: Thomas Kinsel


Sophomore Coach: Timothy Vernor

Boys' soccer tryouts will be held the 1st available day after the Thanksgiving Break on the Back fields next to Owen’s Drive from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm but is subject to change due to weather and other athletic programs.  Before you attend tryouts, a physical form (both the written and 2 online) has to be filled out and turned into the athletic trainers which are located in the Dickinson High School Field House.  Also, you currently need to be passing all classes or passed all your Nine Week One classes.  You may go by Coach Edinburgh’s class N-222 if you have any questions or need to pick up a physical form.


For a physical and online forms, please click the link below.


What does it take to join? 

An active member of the DHS Boys' Soccer Team will: pass all classes, have a physical on file with the trainer, attend tryouts, attend all practices and games, show great character on and off of the field, and have a competitive work ethic.


Who do we compete against?

During the season the DHS Boys' Soccer Team will compete against other teams in our district, including but not limited to: Brazoswood, Clear Brook, Clear Creek, Clear Falls, Clear Lake, Clear Springs & Deer Park.


When does the season start and end?

The DHS Boys' Soccer tryouts will be held the 1st available day after the Thanksgiving Break. The season starts at the end of January and will finish before Spring Break. Playoffs would continue on through March and April. Games are mainly on Tuesday and Fridays.


How many teams are in the Gators Soccer Program?  How many players?

We have 3 teams in the DHS Boys' Soccer Program

The JV-B team will have players in grades 9-10.

The JV-A team will have players in grades 9-11.

The Varsity team will have players in grades 9-12.

Each team will carry enough players to be competitive and deemed necessary by the coaches.

How are teams determined?

Teams are selected based on grades, talent, attendance, character, competitiveness, attitude, coachability, discipline, and any roles deemed necessary.


Once my student makes the team, what should they expect?

A DHS Boys' Soccer player will present themselves at all times with respect for their teachers, adults, and coaches.  They will be a role model to their peers in and out of the classroom, support their fellow teammates in any capacity, and exude team spirit.  A DHS Boys' Soccer player must always remember that they are a student first and will be disciplined in their academics. 


When are practices? Location?

Practices are held after school and depending on their team will indicate where they practice. Either in the stadium, North Field (the grass field between the stadium and the baseball field), the grass fields next to Owens Drive, around the competition GYM or classroom, depending on weather.

Will transportation be provided?

A DISD school bus will transport teams to all UIL/district sanctioned games.


As a parent what will be needed from me?

Parents must ensure that their son is putting their role as a student first who works hard daily while competing at a high school level.  We also ask that you ensure that your son is an active member on the team by participating in all practices and games. You are a student-athlete's biggest cheerleader and a team's biggest supporter.  Please be an active member by staying up to date with communication and participating in fundraising events!

Are all activities, games/tournaments, and practices mandatory?

Nothing is mandatory, just like being in the program. Playing time is not mandatory as well. We do ask that all families make a commitment and dedicate all their efforts while participating in the DHS Boys' Soccer program.

What are some ways to be involved?

Attend and support our games, volunteer to host different events for the team, volunteer to assist with events during the season, purchase items from our fundraising events, assist with fundraising events, and positively promote and market the DHS Boys' Soccer team every chance you have. 

How can I get in touch with coaching staff?

It is requested that all questions or concerns be directed to the coaching staff through e-mail. If you are a community supporter please contact the Head Coach Daniel Edinburgh at


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