State law requires children to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases to attend school in Texas. Getting your child vaccinated protects your child's health and that of the community.
Students cannot go to school without the appropriate documentation for the required vaccines or a valid medical or conscientious exemption. This is required in order to find out a student’s teacher at Elementary Meet the Teacher Night or to pick up his or her class schedule at secondary schools.
The following links outline the requirements in Texas as well as exclusions from compliance and Frequently Asked Questions.
The Dickinson Independent School District Health Services Department does share personal identifiable student health information with state and local public health entities on a need to know basis for the purposes of immunization compliance and communicable disease control as required by state law.
Immunization Exemptions:
- Medical: The law allows medical exemptions if the immunization required would be injurious to the child’s health for medical reasons. The medical exemption must clearly state the medical reason the child cannot receive specific vaccines and signed by a US-licensed MD or DO. The written statement by the physician must be submitted to the school nurse. Unless it is written in the statement that a lifelong condition exists, the exemption statement is valid for only one year from the date signed by the physician.
- For Reasons of Conscience, including religious beliefs: The law allows parents/guardians to choose an exemption from immunization requirements for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief. The completed and returned form from the Texas DSHS must be submitted to the school nurse in order for the student to be admitted. The school will accept only the original official affidavit forms developed and issued by the Texas DSHS. The affidavit will be valid for two years.
Affidavit Request for Exemption from School Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience
FAQ About Immunization Requirements for School Admittance and Exemptions