DISD appreciates the service provided by all employees and recognizes that situations arise that constitute change. The Exiting Employee information has been assembled for those who are concluding employment with the school district.
Submit Your Letter of Resignation/ Retirement
An employee who desires to voluntarily resign or retire from the District should submit a notice to his or her supervisor in advance of the intended resignation/retirement date. You should indicate whether you are retiring through TRS. If you are resigning at the end of your contract term, the following should be included on your dated Letter of Resignation:
- Reason for resignation (relocation, career advancement, etc.)
- Your last day of active employment
- Your signature
If you are requesting a release during your contract term, please know that the Superintendent is the only person
that has the authority to release you from your contract. You are under contract and you will not be released from
your contract until a suitable replacement is identified and hired.
Return District Property
The following items must be returned to your Supervisor before your departure from the school district.
- Identification Badge & Proxy Card
- All Keys
- Technology
- Equipment Provided for Home or Travel Use
- Books, Files, Folders, Manuals and/or Records
- Any Other School Property
- Repay Any Outstanding Money
If district property items are not returned, the cost for those items may be deducted from your last paycheck.
Keep Your Address on File Current
Please update your demographic data through The Employee Access Center. The Employee Access Center will provide you with the following important information:
Employee Access Center (Please use Internet Explorer or Safari to access the site)
Login Information - Username is Employee ID & Password is the least 4 digits of social
- Paychecks – View and print current or historical checks as needed
- W-2, Wage and Tax Statements – View and print current or historical statements as needed
- Demographic Data – Update your address, phone number or contact information online
Complete the Exit Interview Survey
Employees resigning from the District are offered the opportunity to participate in a voluntary and confidential exit survey regarding the employee's experience during their employment and to help improve our recruitment and retention of staff. Upon submitting a resignation, employees will also be prompted to complete an online exit survey. All exit survey data will be maintained confidentially by the Human Resources Department.
Click here to take the exit survey
Continuation of Insurance Coverage Options
Employees separating from employment must contact insurance carriers directly and submit required forms and payment within 30 days of termination or retirement (60 days for COBRA) in order to continue coverage.
Click here for more information on COBRA continuation coverage
Request Service Records
To request your Service Records click on the following link:
Request here