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DISD Advanced Academics Handbook
Referrals and review of previously identified G/T students new to DISD or students who participated in home school or private school prior to enrollment in DISD will initiate upon enrollment in a DISD school. Campuses will request previous G/T identification criteria (if applicable) and the G/T Selection and Review Committee will review to determine if students meet eligibility requirements for identification in DISD. More assessments may be requested if needed. Students will be reviewed and assessed within 6-9 weeks of enrollment and recommendations will be communicated to parents in writing.
GT Assessment Timeline
Referral for any student to be considered for G/T assessment and possible identification are accepted each fall beginning October 1. Students in grades K-12 may be referred for testing by a teacher, staff member, a parent or guardian, or by him/herself. Referrals are accepted at any time, but assessment will be in accordance with the published district assessment timeline. (Important Dates Tab) Parents must complete the G/T Referral Forms and submit form online. (Forms & Resources Tab)
Referrals are due by the last date of the referral window. Assessments will be completed in the spring each year, and all G/T placement recommendations will be made the end of April, for placement in the fall. Parents will be notified in writing of the placement recommendation.
Kindergarten Screening
September - November
Kindergarten Assessment and Evaluation
November - February
Parent Notification
Beginning of March
2nd Grade Screening
2nd Grade Assessment and Evaluation
January - March
End of April
Parent Referrals to request GT testing (Gr 1st - 11th)
October 1 - November 1
Assessment and Evaluation
January - April
The Dickinson ISD referral window is during the entire month of October. Please refer to the other assessment tabs in this section for more information about Dickinson ISD processes and timeline.
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