Benefits of Bilingualism:
Throughout the world, knowing more than one language is the norm, not the exception. It is estimated that between half and two thirds of the world’s population is bilingual. The child who knows more than one language has advantages which will continue throughout his/her life. Some of the benefits of bilingualism are:
Intellectual: Research shows that knowing more than one language increases a person’s thinking abilities and helps develop cognitive flexibility.
Educational: Students learning in Dual Language programs perform equal or above on standardized assessments.
Personal: A child’s first language is critical to his or her identity. Continuing to develop this language helps the child value his or her culture and heritage, contributing to a positive self concept.
Economic: Students who are bilingual, bi-literate and bi-cultural will have increased marketability in a global society.
Social: Students in these programs will develop an awareness, respect, and appreciation for cultural differences.